Closet poet/writer. Aspiring editor/copywriter. Princess Extraodinaire.

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Monday, July 25, 2005

Who says being married you must "settle down"?

I do not understand why people who know about my marital status just have to constantly "kindly remind" me that I should be settled down, and not still out at clubs shaking my ass off. Why? Who stated the law that when you're married you must be homebody? WHO?

From what Hubs and I believe, even though we are married, it does not mean that we should feel "tied down" and reject all former activities that we used to enjoy as singles, eg: clubbing, drinking, late night movies, etc. We are ultimately individuals who have preferences for our pastimes. There is no law that says that being a married woman, I cannot go out for Ladies' Nights and get high, or even drunk. And if my husband is supportive of me going out to enjoy myself, I don't see why you bloody fuckwits are trying to drill the idea of my lifestyle being "wrong".

Just wait til YOU get married and your partner has similar conservative ideals of how YOU should be "settled down" and forbids you to have any sort of slight debauchery in your outings with friends. No alcohol, no contact with members of the opposite sex, no late nights be it alone or as a couple.

Maybe life might not suck that much for you by the time you find your other half and have such rules imposed upon you, because you would be much older and definitely less interested, or capable, in such youthful activities. But please use your little brain and think. I am but all of 22 years, and my husband is only 27. Should we restrict ourselves to living lives of old matured couples?

Most Singaporeans these days only get married around their late twenties, which by that time of their lives, they've pretty much been around and are almost getting bored with parties, sex and booze. Naturally they would "settle down" once they finally meet "The One". On the other hand, young couples who get married due to accidental pregnancies are, in a way, forced to live quiet stable lives because of the children. How can the two of you expect to go out clubbing when the baby's at home alone? What would your mother-in-law say?

Whereas on the other hand, my husband and I decided to get married young on our own accord and we have perfectly fine ideals for our lives together. We will probably be enjoying our couplehood for at least 2 years where we will start planning for children. Meanwhile, we can go as crazy as we want because we have zero commitments except to each other.

So, to anyone who feels like lashing out at ME for going partying on weeknights, think before you spill your crap. You have your "ideals" of a married life, and so have we. I'm not imposing my ideals on you, so don't come give me your bullshit either. To each his own. Cheers.

1 raves:

Blogger aspiringwife comments...

I totally agree with u, gal! U rock! being a young wife at 22 too, me n my hubby also go party individually! Thats the way to enjoy life while still young!

12:04 PM  

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