Closet poet/writer. Aspiring editor/copywriter. Princess Extraodinaire.

Shelly Lives...

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Saturday, March 19, 2005

For my mum

My creator,
my parent,
You have left your mark on me.

From my first ABC's
to my first 123's,
You were there encouraging me.

My first song,
my first dance,
Absolutely adored by you.

You believed in me,
You gave me trust.
You always thought I would do well.

But I disappointed you.
I gave you tears and heartache.
Like what you are giving to me now.

I said
one more song
and my tears will stop.

But they did not.
They continue to fall
for you.

I am sorry for all
the tears
the pain
I caused upon you.

If you could hear me in heaven,
hear this:
I love you.

You know
I always did
and always will.

If you can see this in heaven,
read this:
I miss you.

We all do.
For your quirky humour
and the weird way you care.

If you can see me from heaven,
I want you to know:
I am married to a good man.

I know you will love him.
I want you to see our wedding,
our future children.

If I could visit you in heaven,
I would.
I'd hold you so tight
and tell you what I've always said:

"All is forgiven.
I love you so."

2 raves:

Blogger Pseudo_Sapien comments...

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5:58 AM  
Blogger Pseudo_Sapien comments...

and forgive you she would
for she loved you so,
but life has exhausted her
and she can't help
but to let go
she is sorry, i am sure
for a depart so abrupt
for a past that hurts
the pain endured
the tears that fell
forgive her
forgive yourself
in loving memory
of a wonderful mum
who loved you so..

6:00 AM  

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