Closet poet/writer. Aspiring editor/copywriter. Princess Extraodinaire.

Shelly Lives...

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Wednesday, September 07, 2005

the deed that decided her future

She turned her head around. There he was, just looking out the window. Was he sending her off with his eyes? Or was he just getting a bit of fresh air?

She would never know, because at the back of her mind, she had no intentions of speaking to her ever again. He was condemned to be her history. And she was to be his.

They were two strangers who randomly found each other in cyberspace. They went on a date, followed by mindless sex. No love. No commitments. Just a pure bout of physical connection.

He said he would call again. She intended not to pick up if he did. Halfway through the deed she was already ashamed of herself. She felt like a whore who wasn't even going to be paid.

She told herself that if she was ever going to have sex without love ever again, she would do it as a paid prostitute. And she did.


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