Closet poet/writer. Aspiring editor/copywriter. Princess Extraodinaire.

Shelly Lives...

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Sunday, September 11, 2005

it's been a year

it's been a year
since our nicknames showed
on an IRC channel
late into a Saturday night

that same night
our eyes first met
at the coffee shop
where we were to rendezvous

just a year ago
when we first spoke
and i chided you
for only needing a second to get a pack of smokes

a year ago
when we visited Old Changi Hospital
and brave you
strutted right in front of the rest

on the same day last year
we felt something
some sort of connection
with each other

a year later
we are married
we have a home

a year
can bring so much difference
to two lives
so inconsequential

365 days
of so much bonding

8760 hours
of so much kissing
love making
fun and laughter

525600 minutes
of ups and downs
breaks and makes
love and hate

how much change
can a year in your life bring?
that is

but no matter
how much time
slips by
between you and me

i will love you
i will forgive you
i will understand you
i will want to spend the rest of my years with you

a year of change
in exchange
for more years of happiness
to come

i love you, sweets.


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